Program Operation Performance

  • Pangyo IR
  • 창업원
  • 2022-10-30 17:39:30
  • 260
  • Date

    10AM Wednesday October 14, 2015

  • Venue

    ISK Pangyo Center

  • Hosts

    ISK Pangyo Center, KAIST VC Association

  • Main Agenda

    Solidifying Network,

    for the growth of technology-based startups

    through step-by-step venture IR session.

ISK Pangyo hosted ‘PANGYO IR (2015 Pangyo Investment Briefing).’

This event was cohosted by KAIST VC Association and ISK Pangyo. By categorizing startups and ventures by growth track (track 1~4), they were given with the customized investment opportunities. This event was a session for mutual interaction between the company and the investor for IR. The companies were invited via several medium including the recommendation by KAIST VC Association, promotion within Pangyo areas, and accelerators. Fourteen Final companies were chosen after the evaluation process.

Track 1 Idea Developing Participants with Ideas 20 minutes per company
Presentation/Q&A 10 minutes each
Track 2 Pre Start-ups Early Startups and entrepreneurs 20 minutes per company
Presentation/Q&A 10 minutes each
Track 3 Start-ups Startups less than 3 years old 40 minutes per company
Presentation/Q&A 20 minutes each
Track 4 Ventures 4단계 Companies hoping for Investment beyond Series B 50 minutes per company
Presentation/Q&A 20 minutes for Presentation, 30 minutes for Q&A

KAIST VC 모임 - 더 알아보기

There were 50 participants via online registration. Main participants include 30 members of KAIST VC associations, 10 CEOs and executives hoping for new investments in Pangyo, and 10 common investors/accelerators. As people from diverse field gathers, they showed interests in investments for rising startups and securing the market.

세션 1 (Track 1,2,3 기업발표)


  • 시간
  • 10:30~11:10
  • 11:10~11:50
  • 11:50~13:00
  • 13:00~13:40
  • 13:40~14:00
  • 14:00~14:20
  • 14:20~15:00
  • 15:00~15:40
  • 15:40~16:20
  • 내용
  • ∙ Track3 : 프리코어
  • ∙ Track3 : 플라이트그래프
  • ∙ 점심시간
  • ∙ Track1 : Bomb in Dorm
  • ∙ Track2 : 옴니어스
  • ∙ Track2 : GlobePoint
  • ∙ Track3 : K App
  • ∙ Track3 : 오리진픽스
  • ∙ Track3 : 엠카탈로그

세션 2 (Track 3,4 기업발표)


  • 시간
  • 11:00~11:50
  • 11:50~13:00
  • 13:00~13:50
  • 13:50~14:40
  • 14:40~15:30
  • 15:30~16:10
  • 내용
  • ∙ Track4 : 코쿤게임즈
  • ∙ 점심시간
  • ∙ Track4 : 꽃피는 아침마을
  • ∙ Track4 : 키페어
  • ∙ Track4 : 토스랩
  • ∙ Track3 : 올인원바이오

Presentation was divided into 2 sessions, depending on the stages of the company. After the presentation, there was a freestyle Q&A session. Participants were extremely satisfactory about how they were able to communicate and share the information as they freely move around the sessions.

Dr. Hee-yoon Lee, Vice president of Research at KAIST, stated that “I am indeed glad to prepare this opportunity for networking for the formation of positive ecosystem for ventures… I expect the formation of enthusiastic, cooperative relationship among participants of this event.”

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