Program Operation Performance

  • 18th E*5 KAIST (`21 Spring) – Online
  • 창업원
  • 2022-10-30 22:09:05
  • 539

KAIST Student Startup Audition Program

E*5 KAIST (18th)

See the History of E*5 KAIST

    Total of 72 participants


    2020. 3. 23 – 2020. 6. 04


    1 Grand Prize / 2 Awards of Excellence / 1 Special Prize / 2 Activity Awards

Mission 1.
Business Model
Actualization and improving business ideas through establishing business models Training (online): 3/23
Evaluation (online): 3/25
Conducted regularly
Mission 2.
Customer Discovery
Verification of idea commercialization through understanding and analyzing the target market Training (online): 3/30
Coaching (online): Done regularly
Evaluation (online): 4/27
Conducted regularly
Mission 3.
Pitch Deck
Establishing business ideas & Business overview Education (online): 4/29
Coaching (online): Done regularly
Evaluation (online): 6/4
Conducted regularly
MISSION FINAL EVALUATION Overview Pitching Final Evaluation (online) : 6/4 Conducted regularly

Out of 25 applicant teams, 18 project teams were selected through the first mission round. The selected teams then developed their business ideas through each mission, which consisted of training, coaching, and evaluation from the mentors. Due to COVID-19, the entire E*5 KAIST program was held online. During the Final Mission Evaluation, 12 teams were selected to visit Startup KAIST and make their final pitch, and were evaluated by mentors through real-time streaming.

Mission Training

Mission Coaching

(By Seniors)

Mission Evaluation

1 Mentor was assigned to each team for training, and 3 Senior entrepreneurs were assigned to coach the teams on a regular basis. After the training and coaching stages, teams were selected through evaluation to receive additional funding.




Field Trip

During the program, teams visited mentors (Mentoring), met with field experts to solve issues (Networking), visited startups (Field Trip), conducted market research (Research), and collaborated through activities and team meetings (Teamwork). All activities were uploaded and recorded on ‘CLASSUM’.


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