Startup FAQ

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    Does the university provide a space for business activities to faculty members who have established corporations?


    Faculty members are given priority in the allocation of incubation space on Munji Campus. However, given the decreasing trend in campus incubation space, your incubation may be postponed or space may be unavailable altogether depending on vacancy and purpose of use. Please consult TBIC in advance.

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    What are the procedures needed for incubation at TBIC?


    Instructions for the reporting of corporations are provided following deliberations by the department (school). You may express interest in incubation at TBIC during this process to receive information on administrative procedures.

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    Can faculty startups be established as overseas corporations?


    Yes. In fact, one faculty member established a U.S. corporation in 2018.

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    Does appointment as outside director, non-standing executive, auditor, or advisor fall outside the scope of faculty startups?


    Yes. In this case, please refer to Guidelines on Extramural Activities and Outside Lectures of Faculty and report the relevant details to your department.