Startup Interview
[Startup Interview] Joon-ho Lee, CEO of “J.AI Labs” a medical artificial intelligence (AI) data labeling company 2022-10-30
[Startup Interview] Developing solution to help keep the data related provisions focused on personal information protection “TOVDATA” Interview 2022-10-30
[Startup Interview] Ilsu Park, CEO of Mars Auto, a startup that develops an autonomous trucking software 2022-10-30
[Startup Interview] Daniel Lee, CTO of Spacewalk, a proptech company revolutionizing the real estate market with AI·Big Data technology 2022-10-30
[Startup Interview] Inseo Hwang, CEO of CHEQUER, a data management and analysis solution software startup 2022-10-30
[Startup Interview] Joo Young Joung, CEO of True Value, an SNS for dreams 2022-10-30
[Startup Interview] Jaeyoung Jo, CEO of Dingbro, a Company Providing a Car Maintenance Service called DoctorCha 2022-10-30
[Startup Interview] Jihun Kim, CEO of HUGy, an Integrated Solution Provider for Children with Developmental Disabilities 2022-10-30
[Startup Interview] Jiwon Kim, CEO of ReDWit, a Startup that Develops a Blockchain-based Digital Research Service 2022-10-30
Interview with Hwaseong Jeon, CEO of CNT Tech 2022-10-30
Interview with Jung Min Oh, CEO of HayanMind Inc 2022-10-30
Interview with Ilbong Kwon, Entrepreneur of Smart Fragrance Device Company “Deep Scent” 2022-10-30
Interview with Hyungsoon Park, Professor at the Department of Mechanical Engineering at KAIST 2022-10-30
Interview with Pilhan Kim, Professor at the Graduate School of Nanoscience and Technology/Graduate School of Medical Science and Engineering at KAIST 2022-10-30
Interview with Professor Yongkeun Park of the Department of Physics at KAIST 2022-10-30
Interview with PhD Student Dongil Lee 2022-10-30
Interview with Sungho Lee 2022-10-30
[Interview with VC Yonggwan Lee] A staunch supporter of startups equipped with experience and trial-and-error 2022-10-30
[Interview with CEO Joonyoung Yi] Management support solution and food-on-demand management service for institutional food service businesses 2022-10-30
[Interview with CEO Youbong Lim] A low temperature sterilizer for medical devices using smart packaging 2022-10-30