- Startup KAIST News letter-October, 2020
- 창업원
- 2022-10-30 20:36:33
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Institute for Startup KAIST Newsletter
October, 2020

Startup KAIST – Contact Us Page Open
If you have any startup related inquiries or need consulting, feel free to contact us. We operate Office Hours every Tuesday afternoon to actively support any in-school startup inquiries. Please visit the newly updated “Contact US” page for more information.
Click for the Contact Us Page
2020 KAIST Startup Award

■ Program Schedule
– 09/28~10/15 Recruit applicant teams
– 10/16~10/23 Applicant evaluation (Preliminary Round)
– 11/12 Presentation evaluation (Final Round)
– (TBA) Award Ceremony
■ Applicant Eligibility
Must meet the following 2 requirements to apply
1) Teams or individuals including currently enrolled KAIST students or on leave of absence (including Graduate students (Master / Ph.D.))
2) CEO or executive members of companies less than 3 years old, who are alumni of KAIST
■ Participant Benefits
Opportunity to participate in the Silicon Valley Startup & Challenge program
** Teams who apply and are selected to participate in this program will be given additional points during the presentation evaluation round: 5% of the total score
■ Award Prizes
Prize up to 15,000,000 KRW
■ Registration Link:
■ Contacts
# Startup KAIST, Division of Startup Support : 042-350-6495 /
# KAIST Alumni Association : 042.350.4007 /
2020 KAIST Tech Day
Tech Day is a startup festival that supports the expansion of the domestic tech-based startup ecosystem and promotes the discovery and network of global pre-entrepreneurs. Tech Day will be held online on November 5 due to COVID-19. More information on Tech Day including registration will be announced soon.
■ Date: 2020. 11. 5.(THU) 10:30 – 17:00
■ Major Programs
– ISK Forum : Speaker 1. – Yu-Sung Chang CTO
Speaker 2. Vieworks – Hooshik Kim CEO
– Tech Demo: 9 KAIST Startup Teams Pitching
– Online Demo Booth Open
→ Tech day participants can interact with teams through an Online Demo Booth.
E*5 KAIST & End run Corporate Trends
[E*5 KAIST 13기, 셀렉트스타] 셀렉트스타, 40억 시리즈A 투자유치
[E*5 KAIST 7기, 엘리스] 온라인 코딩교육 플랫폼기업 엘리스, 105억원 투자 유치
[E*5 KAIST 4기, 노타] 노타, 80억원 규모 시리즈A 투자 유치
■ Tips Selection
[E*5 KAIST 14기, 레드윗] 카이스트 스타트업 ‘레드윗’, 중기부 팁스 프로그램 선정
[E*5 KAIST 10기, 상상텃밭] 경북창조경제혁신센터, ㈜와따와·㈜상상텃밭 ‘TIPS’ 프로그램 선정
■ Release/Updates
[E*5 KAIST 14기, 퍼핀플래닛]
퍼핀플레이스, 가정집서 잠자는 전열교환기 깨워 AI로 공기 관리한다
[End run 2016, 더웨이브톡]
10초면 못먹는 물 가려낸다…더웨이브톡, 세계최초 가정용 탁도계 개발
- 이전
- ISK Annual Report 2019
- 2022-10-30