Program Operation Performance

  • Axel-K 1기 Boot Camp
  • 창업원
  • 2022-10-30 17:49:13
  • 353

Axel-K 1st Boot Camp

  • DATE

    2016 Aug. 8th ~ 11th (4 days)


    Startup KAIST Studio, 3rd floor Bldg. W8, KAIST


    4 teams selected for the 1st Axel-K

Axel-K, our program to establish the successful model for the technology-based startup, held the 1st boot camp for the 4 selected startup teams.

During this boot camp, the teams received Entrepreneur skillset training, mindset trainings, and core business skill training.

1st day : Creating Value Propositions and Team Formation

dscf2845   dscf2902

2nd day : Validating the Idea in the Market

dscf2916   Axel-K Boot Camp
