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  • KAIST Startupting X CHEQUER
  • 창업원
  • 2022-10-28 23:46:33
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    # September 24, 2020 (Thu.)  2:00 pm

    # Zoom – Online Live / Registered person will receive a text link to the lecture.

    • This lecture will be given in Korean.
    • Those who pre-register and attend the lecture will receive a small gift.(50 people only)

    # 2:00 ~ 2:30 : How CHEQUER ended-up in Silicon Valley (by Brant, CEO)
    # 2:30 ~ 3:00 : Startup Agile Best Practice (by Woo, Tech. Director)
    # 3:00 ~ 3:30 : How does QueryPie run on a browser (by Tom, Co-Founder & Open-Source Developer) – React / MobX / Storybook
    # 3:30 ~ 4:00 : QueryPie’s Back-end Architecture, Security, and Cloud (by Keis, CTO)           
                               – Data Masking, Data Audit, Kubernetes, Vx-Lan
    # 4:00 ~ 5:00 : Flying high in a Startup at the age of 20 (by Noel, Kevin, and Evan)
                               – How did we get into CHEQUER?         
    # 5:00 ~ 6:00 : Q&A Session 

    Currently enrolled & graduated KAIST students (Master’s and PhD also welcome)


    • 031-739-7171,7173
    • startup_pangyo@kaist.ac.kr

■ CHEQUER Handbook : http://handbook.chequer.io

CHEQUER is a company that makes software capable of transforming and maximizing data productivity for businesses.

In 2012, when it was decided at the World Economic Forum that Big Data was the most compelling technology to be focused on, many companies began adopting Big Data to sustain the growth of their businesses. They believed that data analysis of customer information, as well as products and sales, could revolutionize the way of producing and selling products. It showed the willingness and competitiveness of companies to increase their value through data and build their future. But gathering, analyzing, and managing data was not as easy as they thought. To address the various challenges, countless data collection, analysis and management companies around the world are constantly competing in the 1000 trillion data market.

CHEQUER is also a company that focuses on data. We are creating SQLGate, the world’s leading database management software, with particular focus on databases that collect, store, and manage data!

2019-2020 KAIST Startupting Review (Youtube)